There is a lot of talk about gluten these days. Some people say it's good for you, some people say its bad for you. So, we decide to decode this gluten madness for you, so can you really know if gluten really is that bad for you?

Gluten is a type of protein found in wheat, rye and barley. Gluten is responsible for providing elasticity to the wheat, rye and barley flour which is also now very popularly being used in a larger number of processed food products. It is also used as a stabilizer in some popular products like ice-cream and ketchup.

Why has gluten suddenly become so infamous that people are writing and talking against it. Not only that the whole “Grain” category is getting a bad name. Let us explain to you how and why it all started. We consume food which is then broken down, through a series of complex process, in our digestive system. If there is anything that disrupts the smooth functioning of this process it results in deficiencies and other health disorders.

When you have celiac disease your body reacts to gluten as if it were toxic. This reaction occurs in the small intestine and ends up damaging the inner lining of the small intestine. Due to this damage the small intestine is not able to absorb nutrients properly.

Mostly American and Europeans have been diagnosed with this disease which is also genetic in nature. While continents like Asia and Africa have rarely been diagnosed by this disease. One of the many reasons why there is a sudden increase in this allergy is because of the rise in genetically modified crops that are rapidly being introduced to the public. Also over consumption of eating processed food for a long period f time can make you more vulnerable to health disorders.

All grains are not bad for health and neither are they responsible for Celiac disease. If you are allergic to gluten then eat what has been recommended by the doctor. For those who have only heard about its consequences don’t get paranoid. Wheat, rye and barley are staple diet of most continents. They contain essential proteins, vitamins and minerals that are important for our body & have been consumed for thousands of years.

So, if you think you are gluten allergic, get it checked by a doctor, before you embark of a self imposed gluten free diet (it's extremely unhealthy to self diagnose). And if you don't have celiac disease, then enjoy wheat in moderation, along with lots of fresh fruits and vegetables!