An occasional bad breath is just a part of life. But a chronic bad breath can be a constant source of embarrassment that can affect your daily life. It can severely wreck your social relations and personal relations and in long run can be a cause of depression. But good news is that bad breath can be diagnosed and there are well known cures and remedies for treating bad breath. 

What Causes Bad Breath?

Bad breath, is also known as halitosis or malodor. 80% of bad breath is due to causes in mouth. When there is a buildup of bacteria in your mouth, that bacteria causes inflammation that gives off a foul odor,  that smells like sulfur, or rotten eggs.

  • Bad breath can also be caused by cavities, gum disease, tonsils that have trapped food particles, cracked fillings, or dirty dentures. Strong smelling food can cause breath odor, as well as going for periods of time without eating. Without the saliva produced by chewing, bacteria tends to accumulate.This also explains morning breath – after a long night without saliva production, the bacteria have had a field day in your mouth.
  • Other, more internal, sources of bad breath can include diabetes, liver disease, respiratory tract infections, chronic bronchitis, acid reflux, postnasal drip, and chronic bronchitis. If you suspect that your bad breath stems from one of these conditions, see your doctor.

Eliminating Bad Breath

  • Scrape your tongue. Bacteria sticks to the tongue like Velcro and can accumulate in the tongue’s folds, particularly toward the back. To combat this,simply scrape your tongue with a tongue scraper twice a day.
  • Rinse your mouth. Gargle with a solution that contains zinc chloride (rather than a mouthwash that uses alcohol) to kill bacteria.  Look for products with an intense blue or green color.
  • Produce saliva. For a dry mouth, chew sugar-free or xylitol sweetened gum or suck on mints or sugar free candy to keep the saliva flowing.

Natural Remedies for Bad Breath

  • Fresh Fruits and VegetablesThese delicious and nutritious foods are a great source of fiber, which helps to produce the saliva that will wash away food particles and bacteria.
  • MilkSip milk before or during a meal. The fat in the milk neutralizes sulfur and the water content rinses the mouth. Whole milk is more effective because it contains more fat.
  • Fresh herbsPeople used to chew herbs to beat bad breath before mouthwash. They contain chlorophyll, which absorbs odors. Try parsley, mint, dill, basil, rosemary, thyme, tarragon, or cilantro. Swallowing the herbs after chewing them will allow them to continue to combat breath longer.
  • Apple cider vinegarGargling with a solution of ½ tsp of apple cider vinegar and 1 cup of water will get rid of odors and make your mouth feel fresh. It also has natural antibacterial properties.
  • Baking SodaA mouthwash solution of baking soda and water is a traditional and effective cure for bad breath, if you can handle the taste.

These are some simple yet effective ways to banish bad breath from your life permanently. If you continue to experience chronic halitosis after trying the suggestions above, talk to your dentist for more ideas and solutions.