Acne is an inflammatory disease of the sebaceous glands (oil secreting glands in our skin)and the hair follicles.
- Poor eating habits.
- Poor hygiene.
- Hormonal imbalance – during puberty.
- Stress.
- Drugs like corticosteroids.
- Heredity.
- Bacterial infection.
Signs and symptoms:
- Pain in acne.
- Itching.
- Pus or oily discharge.
- White heads / black head formation.
- Scarring.
Dietary management:
- Avoid fats and oily food.
- Avoid chocolate, ice-cream, butter,cakes, white bread, sweets and fried food.
- Limit intake of non-vegetarian food.
- Do not break your pimples will lead to secondary infections.
- Do not use scented soaps and chemicals on your face.
- Wash your face frequently, at least 5 times a day, taking care that it does not become too dry.
- Use non-greasy make-up or if possible do not apply cosmetics.
- Use natural cleansers instead of chemical preparations:
-Wash face with gram flour (channa) and little turmeric in it.
-Massage skin with fresh cucumber, it gives cooling effect on skin.
-You can massage your face with fresh fruits also.
-You can take facial steam to reduce inflammation and infection for not more then 15 minutes and once fortnight.
-Practice yoga – will help make your circulation better.
- Drink plenty of water.
- Drink plenty of fruit juice, coconut water.
- Eat lots of fresh fruits and raw vegetables.
- Increase intake of fiber in your diet- Whole grains, bran, oat, green leafy vegetables, raw vegetables, salads,dried fruits and fresh fruits.
- Eat whole grains rather then refined flour.
- Possibly eat boiled or lightly cooked food, not highly seasoned food.
- Increase intake of zinc in diet:
-Shellfish, beef and other red meats,eggs and seafood, beef, pork, chicken (dark meat), turkey (dark meat), milk and milk products, nuts, sea plants especially Japanese sea plants. - Consume diet rich in Vitamin A:
-Liver oils of fish, egg, milk and milk products, meat, fish, kidney and liver.
-Yellow orange colored fruits and vegetables; and Green leafy vegetables are good source of - carotene. - Consume food rich in Vitamin C:
-Milk and milk products, citrus fruits,green vegetables.
-Fruits and vegetables when fresh have maximum of vitamin C. - Increase intake of Vitamin E:
-Wheat germ, whole grain, corns,cereals, pulses, nuts, dark green leafy vegetables, olives.
-Oil seeds and vegetable oils. You can take vitamin E supplements of 400 IU twice a day. - Replace other oils by sunflower oil for cooking as it is the richest source of vitamin E.
- Add little turmeric to your food; it is beneficial for your skin.
Consult a physician:
- If your acne does not respond in 2-3 months following the advice listed above see your physician.
- Consult your physician if your acne is infected and there is pus like discharge.
- Consult your physician immediately if you are not sure if it is acne or any other skin eruption.