If there is one affliction that women dread over, it would be the infections of the cervix which could also be to the extent of developing cervical cancer.

Cervix is the area at the entry of the womb. The glands in the cervix produce a thin, watery discharge which is the nature’s way of maintaining hygiene in the external genitalia. It is only when the discharge becomes, thick, colored, smelly that leads to itching of the area and a nagging discomfort that the condition of cervicitis or inflammation of the area is suspected. As such most of the times, the infection in the area does not necessarily show any symptoms which is another matter of concern.

The other reason why the area could be affected is due to infection with viruses that could be transmitted through sexual intercourse or some bacteria.

The change in the hormonal balance in a woman with less of oestrogen or more of progesterone also causes the balance in the area to shift and become friendly for the bacteria to hold sway and cause an infection.

The entry to the womb, the cervix, is also an area which has completely different lining of cells when compared to that of the uterus. But the various discharges from the womb also cause an irritation to the cells and again cause cervicitis.

As said earlier more often than not such women do not complain of any symptoms but if they do face an issue, it could be that of urinary system. There could be an urge for urination with urgency, frequent urge and sometimes burning while passing urine. If the infection is due to stubborn fungus like chlamydie, there could be a yellowish discharge. Some women also face the issue of spotting between periods or after intercourse and also pain which was not common earlier. A vague backache which does to seem to respond to medication also makes one to think about cervical inflammation. An abdomen pain also could suggest this condition. A lady doctor would check for discharge, swelling, tenderness and bleeding in the area and also pick some cells with a swab to be examined under the microscope which could find the offender, bacteria, virus, fungus or even a cancerous cell.

It is imperative that cervicitis treated, otherwise the infection could travel up into the uterus and the fallopian tubes causing pelvic inflammatory disease which when untreated could also cause infertility. It also makes a woman vulnerable to other infections too.

No safer treatment of the condition for the woman than homeopathy as far as infection of the cervix is concerned. The discharge profuse, smelly and itchy is subdued by Caladium, Kreosote while cervicitis is dealt well with Ac.nit, Thuja, Clematis, Medorrhinum and any changes wrought on the area with irritation are healed with Merc sol while the congestion is eased with Sepia. Even a woman who is prone to of episodes of cervicitis is put safely away from developing any cancer with remedies like Carcinosin etc. If it is a sexually transmitted infection, say with a virus, it is necessary that the spouse is also treated even as barrier methods are used to see that infection is prevented from spreading before they are totally rooted out.