Thyroid Overview

One of the fastest growing disorders in modern times is the malfunction of the Thyroid. Statistics show that the Thyroid condition is the most under-diagnosed health problem. There are millions of people suffering from Thyroid problems, but only a few out of those are diagnosed and treated, see positive results using Thyroid medications. Often the Thyroid levels appear normal with lab, yet individuals struggle with few symptoms of Thyroid like weight gain, hair loss, irregular periods, high cholesterol levels and so on. Thyroid is one of several glands in the endocrine family, located in the front of the neck. The glands of the endocrine system control many of the body’s functions through chemical substances called hormones. The hormones produced by the Thyroid gland regulate how the body cells use energy and how fast the body’s metabolism work. Thyroid disorder is one of the major risk factors of infertility and hence controlling it is very important. 

Homeopathy Treatment for Thyroid

Conventional treatment for Thyroid disease involves lifelong medication. Although there are many alternative treatments, among all those is treating Thyroid through homeopathy. It is a painless procedure to control and get relief. 

In homeopathy, we propose to treat the problem not by supplementing the deficiencies or surplus, but by reactivation of efficient Thyroid glandular function. Our immune system is also under constant attack from toxins within air, water and food supply. These pollutants, over-stimulate our immune system, create autoimmune reactions and damage Thyroid function. In homeopathy, we provide constitutional treatment which focuses on improving the function of the Thyroid gland by natural means. The constitutional remedies will stimulate the body to reactivate Thyroid secretions. The treatment will help boost energy, improve circulation and thereby help balancing hypo as well as hyper Thyroid functions.