Every Day
- Wipe off aid with a dry cloth
- Test the battery
- Check earmold opening for wax
Every Night
- Store hearing aid in a dry cool place – preferably a dry-aid kit, if not the hearing aid case
- Turn off the aid and open the battery compartment
Every Year
- Have hearing and hearing aid checked by the audiologist
- Replace plastic tubing if necessary
As Needed
- Change battery
- Wash earmold
- Check for moisture
- Replace earmold
- Replace hearing aid
- Issues with batteries include the following: Dead and defective batteries, getting the most out of your batteries, batteries in backwards, spent batteries, defective batteries, short battery life, conserving battery life, safety issues with batteries.
- Issues with ear wax include earwax obstruction, preventing wax build-up, when and how to remove wax.
- Earmold and venting issues include (comfort & sound quality): ear discomfort, causes of ear discomfort, correcting a hearing aid fitting problem, plugged up vents.
- Moisture, corrosion, dirt and related intermittent: moisture problems, resolving moisture problems, effects of moisture, dirty volume control, dirty battery, the problem of oily skin.
- Telephone issues: poor telephone reception, telecoil circuit, successful use of the telecoil circuit, other tips for improved telephone listening.
- Feedback issues: hearing aid squeal (acoustic feedback), acceptable versus unacceptable feedback, earwax and feedback, solving the feedback problem, feedback with new hearing aids, feedback and telephone use.
- Static and other unwanted sounds: wind noise, background noise.
- Preventive hearing aid maintenance: Spare set of hearing aids, hearing aid disuse and longevity