• My eyes are just fine, ok! I really don't need an eye exam. Or do I?
  • I've been wearing glasses since I was a kid. I get my power checked at my spectacle shop. Do I need to meet the eye doc?
  • My dad has some eye problem and he's been on eye drops for a long time. Should I get my eyes checked up too?
  • How early should I get my child's eye examined? He's stuck to the iPad all day. 
  • My husband is diabetic. He exercises regularly, takes his medications on time and never misses his doctor's appointments. Does he need to see an Ophthalmologist anyway?

Sounds familiar? These questions are very common and to answer them an analogy would help. If you own an automobile how often do you pay attention to it? We get its' tyres checked regularly and get a service done twice a year. We don't wait till the vehicle breaks down completely to take it to the workshop. Your eyes are no different.

The eyes are made of very complex parts which work together to provide us with the special perception of vision. Vision is an amazing phenomenon which happens with the coordination of the eye's focussing mechanisms, the sensory receptors and the transmitters to the central processing unit in the brain. Each of these parts is susceptible to damage or decay with time and abuse. Our grandparents and grand uncles may have survived without the need for visual aids like spectacles. But our needs today are different and so is our environment. We spend hours before a visual display - a computer, a cellphone or a tablet - for work and for leisure and a world without vision would be unimaginable.

Some hard hitting facts which you need to know

  • It is estimated that half the world's population will develop defective distant vision (Myopia) by 2050. That means 1 in 2 people will need spectacles for vision
  • Majority of eye disorders do not give early symptoms to warn you. Once visual loss develops, treatment may be difficult and even ineffective. At the same time, appropriate treatment may prevent visual loss if the disease is detected early.
  • Children can not recognise poor vision by themselves. They need to be screened for eye problems to ensure clear vision and visual development. Conditions like lazy eye can be treated if diagnosed before 5-7 years of age.
  • A spectacle check alone is not sufficient to rule out other problems in the eye that may silently be damaging your vision. A qualified eye doctor alone can screen you for them. Checking your glasses is like getting your vehicle's tyre pressure checked, whereas an ophthalmologist's examination with dilatation of your pupils is a complete vehicle service
  • With an increase in the incidence of Diabetes, there is also an increase in the complications in the eye due to it. It can irreversibly damage vision if not treated early and appropriately.

It would suffice if it is said that irrespective of your status, it would be wise to get your eyes checked by a qualified eye care professional.

Our eyes are among the most hard working parts of our body and we may never realize the value of this special sense unless we lose it. Taking care of your eyes is of utmost value to our lifestyle, confidence and independence. 

Check early, Check yearly, See clearly