With the biggest festival of the year just around the corner and the marriage season following it, everyone is sure to be in a celebratory mood. All around the world celebrations always involve"wining & dining".At times like these, your diet may take a back seat and your fitness goals may just go for a toss.
So, how do you stay fit during the festival times without having to compromise on the enjoyment?
Here are a few simple but useful tips:
1) Start your day with a healthy and hearty breakfast: Load up on good healthy calories in the early part of the day. This way you are less likely to partake excess food during the rest of the day.
2) Limit your choice: Restrict yourself to a few foods you really love about the festival. It's certainly not necessary that you taste each and every food item placed in front of you.
3) Go easy on the wining: Limit your alcohol intake and always have it alongside a plate loaded with food. Having alcohol sans food can be a recipe of huge calorie overload and leave you with a hangover.
4) Portion size matters: Please your heart and your stomach by eating whatever you relish but remember to take it in small servings. Calorie dense foods like desserts, when taken in small portions, will help to restrict your calorie intake but at the same time fulfil your taste buds.
5) Fill-up your plate wisely: At a Diwali party/wedding reception, start with filling your plate with veggies and low dressing salads. Then go for the lean proteins and non-gravy foods. Use smaller plates to limit the quantity of food you serve yourself. Before going in for the dessert section, take a break and let the food settle in.
6) Eat mindfully: Concentrate on your plate of food while eating rather than multi-tasking. Mindful eating will make you conscious about the actual amount of food you partake. A mindful and relaxed frame of mind will help you metabolise the food better whereas a stressed mind will store it in the form of fat.
7) Stay away from the munchies: Distance yourself from munchies like chips, fried and cheesy starters. Instead, load yourself with a healthy soup which can be low-cal and appetising.
8) Find time to Exercise: A 15-20 minute intense work-out in mornings or a 30-minute brisk walk after a heavy lunch/dinner will help you stay in shape. This is just as effective at maintaining your fitness levels as a continuous work-out. Exercising also gives your body, skin and hair a natural glow and keeps you looking beautiful through the festivities.
So this holiday season has a good time with your family and friends without losing sight of your fitness goals.
Wish you all a very Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year!