With an endless round of festive parties, late nights, rich food and alcohol, your skin takes the maximum beating. While we keep powering through the weekday, our tired skin and body start showing its weariness through deep lines, wrinkles, age spots, sagging etc.
As we age, the hyaluronic content of our skin decreases thereby reducing its capacity to stay moist and supple. The effectiveness of oil producing glands decreases and our skin loses fat making the skin lose its youthful glow and become dry. Wrinkles are very natural part of the aging process. Many facial wrinkles occur when we make repeated facial expressions involving muscle contractions such as a smile ,laugh or frown. It has therefore become important to take good care of our skin so that we not only look good but feel better as well
Renowned dermatologist and cosmetologist, Dr. Sadhana Deshmukh from Forever Young Clinic talked to us about the kinds of skin care treatments frequently used to reverse the stress and years away.
Let your skin go back in time to confidence with BOTOX:
BOTOX is a safe and proven solution to achieve younger looking skin in the time it takes to have your lunch. BOTOX® works simply by relaxing the tiny facial muscles that cause expression lines, leaving your skin smooth and unwrinkled. As the lines gradually fade out, BOTOX® also prevents new creases from forming. BOTOX as it is a painless way to get smooth and firm skin that lasts for as long as 6 months. The results are so natural that the secret to your healthy skin always remains with you.
To contour your skin, add volume and revitalize go the way of Dermal Fillers:
Dermal Fillers will make your skin taut and fuller and are a great option, as they are made with a substance similar to the hydrating Hyaluronic Acid that is responsible for giving your skin its natural volume and fullness. Through Beautifillers, you too can smoothen out the uneven contours of your face and get those luscious lips and fuller cheeks that you always wanted.
For reversing those years, Skin Tightening and Resurfacing works:
Skin tightening and contouring are popular treatments, as there is minimal social downtime with maximum results. “Accent Radiofrequency” provides controlled heat therapy to fight wrinkles and tighten skin on the face and body. The process is entirely comfortable, quick and virtually pain-free. Now there is no need to go under the knife as skin resurfacing refreshes the skin’s appearance and stimulates rapid healing so that you look like the hands of time have stood still.
Remove acne, brown spots, and unwanted surgical scars stretch marks through - Skin Resurfacing:
Skin Resurfacing is one of the most powerful and effective treatments that helps to remove unwanted brown spots, acne scars, and pigmentation. At Forever Young, we use a pixel RF handpiece that uses Unipolar RF-based technology. It penetrates deep into the skin and gives a boost of new collagen naturally for a visibly more youthful appearance. The procedure has proven to give excellent visible results in 3 to 4 sessions. Moreover, with a combination of peels, the benefits of Skin Resurfacing can increase four-fold.
To look your best on the, reach out to the haven that is Forever Young for a complete skin and body consultation