Pregnancy is a very important period of a woman’s life. Giving birth to a child completes their purpose of being here. It is very emotional yet a happy phase that has to be taken care off and at the same time the health of the pregnant women should be borne in mind because of the numerous changes that happens during the entire period of pregnancy.

Women’s oral health changes at different stages of life. For many women, these changes are directly related to surges in hormone levels, such as in puberty, menstruation, pregnancy, lactation and menopause.

Women are more likely to be diagnosed with Temporo Mandibular joint dysfunction, Myofacial pain, Eating disorders and Sjogren’s syndrome (which causes dry mouth).The changes taking place in pregnancy can predispose a woman to various conditions of the teeth and gums.

During pregnancy, the gums are more likely to become inflamed or infected. Most pregnant women have bleeding gums, especially while brushing or flossing their teeth. Inflamed gums are called "gingivitis." It can result in "periodontal disease" (gum disease). You may also notice that your mouth produces more saliva during pregnancy.

Increased blood flow throughout your body that can cause welling, sensitivity and tenderness in your gums. In some cases, large lumps called “pregnancy tumors” that are inflammatory,non-cancerous growth can develop when swollen gums react strongly to irritants.Usually these tumors shrink soon after the pregnancy is over.

Women with periodontal disease may beat risk for preterm, low birth weight babies.

It is advisable to have a dental check up before you get pregnant and once during pregnancy as well as post pregnancy (lactation period) so as to maintain good oral health which will not only help the mother but also the developing baby.

Visiting a dentist before getting pregnant is necessary because your teeth needs to be professionally cleaned, gum tissue can be carefully examined, and any oral health problems identified can be treated in advance of your pregnancy.

During pregnancy

Routine dental care can be received during the second trimester. As a precautionary measure, dental treatment during the first trimester and second half of the third trimester is generally avoided.

Post pregnancy

What you can do during the pregnancy period:

  • It’s extremely important to evaluate your teeth and gums before you get pregnant and it’s equally important to keep you gums and teeth healthy during pregnancy.
  • Keep teeth and gums clean.
  • Be gentle with your teeth and gums.
  • Cut down on sweets.
  • Get regular dental care.
  • Don't put off dental work until after delivery.

o Decaying teeth can cause infection that could harm your baby.

o Always be sure to tell your dentist that you're pregnant along with the no of months that you are into.

Before you were conceived I wanted you. Before you were born I loved you. Before you were here an hour I would die for you. This is the miracle of Mother's Love