Taking care of your teeth at home can help you maintain your dental health and prevent dental/gum disease from developing.

Here are some basic principles to follow:

  • Spend at least three minutes brushing your teeth, twice a day. Use a timer if you want to ensure that you're spending enough time on your oral care routine
  • Floss at least once every day to clean in between your teeth
  • Buy IDA-approved dental cleaning tools and toothpaste

Basically, brush, floss and do it correctly.

The goal of regular home care is to fight the buildup of plaque in and around your teeth and gums, fight bad breath, tooth decay and gum disease. People who neglect their teeth and let plaque build up, often develop infections in the delicate tissue around their teeth.

Plaque is a bacteria filled film which if allowed to accumulate on teeth and gums, will cause tooth decay and gum disease.