Diabetes mellitus is a chronic metabolic disorder characterized by hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) and glycosuria (sugar in urine). Poorly managed diabetes can lead to a host of long-term complications like Retinopathy, Neuropathy and Nephropathy etc.

According to Ayurveda, there are 20 forms of Diabetes (Prameha). All forms of diabetes if not treated, eventually develop into Madhumeha (Diabetes Melitus).

Causes include diet increasing kapha dosha such as sugar, fats, potatoes, rice; Lack of exercise, Mental stress and strain and Sedentary habits like excessive sleep etc.

Some of the symptoms include excessive urination with increased frequency, burning of palms and soles, increased hunger; excessive thirst; sweet taste to mouth etc, Weight Loss, Blurry Vision, Wounds that take time to heal, Skin Infections and Unexplained extreme fatigue.

 Ayurvedic Remedies include:

  1. Diet planning - the cornerstone of managing diabetes. Avoid diet increasing kapha dosha such as sugar, fats, potatoes, rice. Avoid alcohol.
  2. Daily exercise - One of the methods to heal prameha include regular exercise in any form is a must. In 'Yogasanas' - Forward bending asanas like 'Paschimottanasana', 'Halasan' etc. are effective.
  3. Restrict and reduce weight.
  4. Avoid sleeping during daytime.
  5. Avoid smoking.
  6. Try to reduce stress by implementing 'Yoga' practice.

The metabolism of the body is impaired in Diabetes. Taking only sugar lowering medicines will not help. Its equally important to fine tune the metabolism and remain healthy and control diabetes.