1) Your teeth and gums are made up of calcium, so you can imagine how important it is to make a deposit in the calcium bank. Eating foods such as yogurt, cheese and soybeans will keep your teeth strong. For breakfast, try having yogurt topped with a crunchy whole-grain cereal and fresh fruit to start your day off right.

2) Rinse out your mouth with mouthwash, or at least water, after every meal. This practice will help kill germs and prevent others from knowing you had onions on your sandwich.

 3) See your dentist every six months. Your teeth may not look clean from the outside, but bacteria and plaque lurks in places you cannot see in the mirror.

4) Make sure you are brushing and flossing twice-a-day – every day! Flossing should be a part of your morning routine, and both brushing and flossing after dinner could even help you lose weight by discouraging bedtime snacking.

5) If you can't find your floss during the day, opt for Mother Nature's toothbrush. Hard, crunchy foods, such as carrots and apples, can clean your teeth naturally

6) Saliva is one of our body's strongest soldiers battling bacteria. Foods that promote saliva production, such as tart or sour foods including lemons, limes, cherries and cranberries, can help your body fight bacteria in your mouth. Drinking water is another great way to produce saliva, clear bacteria and cleanse your oral cavity. Foods that have a high water content also help to thwart the process of decay by diluting the sugars in the foods you consume. In other words, eat your fruits and veggies.