Symptoms of Dengue Fever :

One should take care of one’s surroundings and not allow water to collect. In case water gets collected in pots or flower vases ,coolers, refrigerators (back cover) etc ,this water becomes a breeding ground for the mosquitoes . Wearing full sleeves and covering oneself properly is a very important aspect . This is the best thing that you can do on a personal level. Use of mosquito nets and anti mosquito gels also go a long way in preventing Dengue.

2. Dengue Fever Treatment :

We know,Dengue fever is a viral fever. Allopathic system of medicine has hardly any treatment for any viral fever. That is precisely why Allopathy has no proper cure for Dengue fever.  Homeopathy has an answer for Dengue fever : Homeopathy has time and again proved a successful remedy against dengue.These have been used all over the world and have shown very good results. The reason for this almost miraculous result is that Homeopathy does not try to treat individual viruses. It just strengthens the body’s immunity and allows it to form antibodies against the antigens. These antigens may be viruses or bacteria; it does not matter. Nature has provided a very adaptive immune system to humans,this immune system is capable of dealing with such diseases. At times, it just needs proper diagnosis,holistic approach with appropriate homeopathic medicines.

Any further queries on the subject can be addressed , would be more than happy to help.

Hope you find this helpful.

Best Regards,

Dr. Poonam Dharmani


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