‘Take care of your skin and hair, they are going to represent you for a very long time’. In our ever busy, modern day world, are we able to live up to this quote? Do we have the time to do so? Or Do we constantly look for quick fixes, which might cause greater harm than good in the long run?
How many times have we covered up our blemishes with expensive foundations and concealers, instead of visiting a skin Doctor? Have we tried to zap a zit with toothpaste overnight, in order to get rid of it for that party that we have to attend the next day? What about the rashes that appeared all of a sudden, which got itchy and red, but we quietly let it subside on its own,again procrastinating medical care, silently letting our skin weep.
Have we thought, numerous times about getting rid of the skin tags on our neck and face, which do seem big and dark, stealthily lowering our confidence levels? But somehow, we didn’t quite get to it? Have we always wanted to get rid of the unwanted hair on our body permanently, by laser hair reduction? Wouldn’t this finally put a full stop to those long and painful waxing sessions which pull at our poor roots, mostly just giving us plenty of ingrown hair and unending agony?
Are we constantly embarrassed at social gatherings due to the white, flaky dandruff that we seem to have suddenly procured on our scalp? Why isn’t it going despite using the numerous anti-dandruff shampoos that we watch in the advertisements and buy off the shelves of department stores? Is this what we silently ponder?
Do we brush our hair every morning with hesitation, knowing that most of our hair is going to end up our hairbrush, by the end of it? How many times have we thought about the cause of our hair fall? Have we considered that it might have an underlying treatable cause, which we might be ignoring?
Do you feel like you have more questions than answers about skin and hair related matters? Are you frustrated living with myths, facts from fashion magazines and the wise words of your neighbours? Do you have a certain skin and hair problem that you would like to know more about and seek help in order to combat? Then, visiting a skin & hair care expert is important.