Posture means "position of your body". Your posture the way you hold your body after you are sitting or standing is the foundation for each movement your body makes and might determine how well your body adapts to the stresses on that. These stresses will be items like carrying weight or sitting in an ungainly position.

If your posture isn't optimal, your muscles must work harder to keep you upright and balanced. Some muscles will become tight and inflexible. Others are inhibited. Over time these dysfunctional adaptations impair your body’s ability to cater to the force on that. 


Poor posture thrust wears and tears on your ligaments and joints. Researchers have linked poor posture to scoliosis, tension headaches, and back pain though it's not the exclusive reason for any of them. Posture can even influence your spirit and your sensitivity to pain. So there are plenty of reasons to aim for an honest posture. But it’s getting harder nowadays. Sitting in an ungainly position for an extended time can promote poor posture and then using computers or mobile devices, which encourage them to appear downward. Many studies suggest that the average posture is getting worse. 


So what does the right posture look like? After you have a look at the spine from the front or back, all 33 vertebrae should appear stacked in an exceeding line. From the side, the spine should have three curves: one at your neck, one at your upper back, and therefore the other at your lower back. you're born with this S-shaped spine. Babies’ spine just has one curve sort of a C. The opposite curves usually develop by 12-18 months because the muscles strengthen.


These curves help us to remain upright and absorb much strain from activities like walking and jumping. If they're aligned properly while standing up you must be able to draw a line to some extent just ahead of your shoulders to behind in front of your knees to some inches ahead of your ankle. This keeps your center of gravity directly over your base of support, which allows you to maneuver efficiently with the smallest amount of fatigue and muscle strain. 


If you're sitting your neck should be vertical, not tilted forward, your shoulders should be relaxed along with your arms near your trunk, knees should be at a right angle along with your feet flat on the ground. But if your posture isn't that great? Try redesigning your environment, adjust your screen to your eye level, ensure your elbow is supported. Try sleeping on your side, use a headset for phone calls. 



It's not simply enough to own good posture, keeping your muscles and joints moving is extremely important, after all being stationary for an extended period with good posture will be worse with regular movement with bad posture. Using the muscles will keep them strong enough to support you effectively on top of all other benefits to your bones, muscles, joints, heart, and brain. Regular exercise will help you to maintain the correct posture.