It becomes confusing for a patient to select a "Refractive Procedure" that is safe for his or her eyes.  It is important to know that "LASIK" is not the only procedure  that is available to get rid of the glasses. There is a wide selection of procedures available with distinct advantages and disadvantages and it becomes imperative for a patient to weigh the pros and cons and then reach a conclusion.

Procedures that are carried out on the "Cornea" of the eye, carry out correction by changing the curvature of the cornea and thus, change the refractive power.  Before the surgery inputs required are as follows:

1) Cycloplegic Refraction, slit lamp examination of cornea, tear film function 

2) Complete retinal check up; Indirect ophthalmoscopy and Central retinal evaluation by +90 D lens

3) Corneal Topography (OCT/Orbscan/Pentacam) and Corneal Thickness graphs. Both front and back surface of the corneas need to be evaluated.

4) Wave Front analysis for correction of aberrations   

LASIK/LASEK/PRK/Lenticule removal can be carried out depending upon the parameters and patient safety. Profession, need to drive at night, age are taken into consideration and a discussion should happen between the doctor and the patient. Guardians of a patient are often a part of this discussion.

Mechanical flap/ Femto Second flap/ Flap free procedures should be discussed for their merits and demerits and financial implications as well.  Minimum amount of tissue loss should take place during the procedure.  Safety measures during surgery especially tracker mechanisms should be discussed and elaborated upon.

(Corrective lens over the existing natural lens) ICL/IPCL: In this a special lens is put over the existing lens behind the iris mostly for correction.  When the power is very high or the corneas relatively thin the procedure is indicated. A report on shape of the is required to find enough space for the lens. Clear lens removal with an IOL implant can also be carried out in certain situations. One procedure in one eye and another for the other can also be recommended if need be.    

Select a safe procedure and be safe!