Rice is one of the most misunderstood foods. Though studies suggest that the high carbohydrate and starch levels found in rice are the reasons why most people opt out of it, some researchers say certain nutritional benefits make rice a healthy choice. We bust myths about rice here. 

Myth 1: Rice contains gluten.

Fact: Rice is gluten-free and is considered non-allergenic compared to other grains.

Myth 2: Rice has high salt content  

Fact: Rice is low in sodium, and is considered safe to eat for those who have high blood pressure and hypertension.

Myth 3: Rice is fattening.

Fact: Rice is low in fat and cholesterol free. It is a good source of energy because of the carbohydrates present in it. Carbs help the body carry out its functions and everyday growth and repair. 

Myth 4: Rice does not contain protein.

Fact: After carbohydrate, protein is the second-most abundant nutrient found in rice. Rice protein is considered to be of the highest quality compared to other grains.

Myth 5: Rice has high amounts of salt.

Fact: Rice contains negligible amounts of sodium. It is considered as a superfood and safe to consume by people who watch their salt intake.

Myth 6: Eating rice at night will make you fat.

Fact: High carb foods that are digested to form glucose include rice, wheat, rye, and millets. These foods should be eaten at night, so that after they are digested (it takes two hours to digest complex carbohydrates), the glucose which is absorbed into the blood, will more readily convert into energy. These foods should not be consumed during the day when glucose more readily converts into fat.