It is important to understand the difference between a positive healthy growth and a negative unhealthy growth. While we're moving ahead in life, it is important to be aware that we don't cripple the other for our benefits. That's merely a selfish stroke! As a human being, it is but natural to think that in a competition, if there is a winner, there ought to be a loser. However, what's more significant is your intention behind winning- is it growth and experience or an intense desire to break the other person?

In order for us to be satisfied from within, we need to love and respect the person who is in the run with us- a sense of positive regard and concern. And this is a simple secret for experiencing harmony through cooperation. There are certain ways in which cooperation levels can be improved-

  1. CREATE A POSITIVE ENVIRONMENT: Smile! And do that often. You not only can bring out ease but also exercise your facial muscles. Share your weaknesses with others and laugh at them. Learn to motivate the other person that can help you both improve and grow from within. Make sure you respond and not react. Learn to appreciate and acknowledge the people in your environment more often. 
  2. ENSURE CLARITY OF YOUR PURPOSE: It is important to share your intentions and purpose with another individual so as to maintain transparency. This can help you make your task seem more ambiguous, and also easier to execute the plans involved with lesser mistakes.
  3. LEARN TO RELAX: If you are in a relaxed state of being, it is natural that the aura eventually spreads around. Learn to take a break and just breathe some fresh air! This not only comforts you but also makes the other person seem more at ease to bond with you. And this is a basic secret of a lasting relationship. Note that an act of relaxation only displays nervousness. So don't act relaxed, be relaxed!
  4. BE AUTHENTIC THROUGHOUT: In order to rear mutual trust and respect, it is important for you to shred the phony/deceiving act of kindness. Make sure you maintain your dignity by maintaining an authentic and harmonious relation with self and others. Do what you say, say what you can do. This attitude can only help you enhance cooperation and bring in more clarity about your personality.
  5. BE GRATEFUL: It is of utmost importance that we extend gratitude to others for their support. This brings in a sense of acknowledgement in them. An attitude of gratitude helps us to appreciate the little pleasures of our connection with the people around us, making it a secret of a strong bond.

Hence, we have to learn to be aware of our environment, and each day find a reason to help others grow to grow from within.

"We can improve our relationships with others by leaps and bounds if we become encouragers instead of critics."— Joyce Meyer