All sexual dysfunction, the one which is common and affects most people is premature ejaculation. Men from all walks of life report this problem at some or the other stage. Many men end up spending years suffering and living with this condition. While most men search for its cure without discussing it with anyone, there are others who choose to visit sexologist in Delhi. Such doctors are highly experienced and trained in treating sexual disorders. They make sure that a person who visits those gets the best and effective treatment for the problem that is revive their sexual life.

When left uncooked, premature ejaculation can trigger several other problems in life. Timely treatment can do wonders to your sexual life.  It is understandable that the inability to please and satisfy a partner an cause long-term anxiety issues in men that can further worsen the problem. As anxiety increases, ejaculation time decrease and thus it becomes a vicious never ending cycle. If similar is your condition then there is no need to worry at all as there are several treatments and therapy options that can aide men in controlling the climax leading to more satisfying and healthier sexual experience for both partners.

If you are consulting a sexologist in Delhi, he will help you get rid of the condition. Along with medication, he will also prescribe some creams and lotions and oils. You can massage oil ontoand around penis to treat the problem of premature ejaculation. There is no denying the fact that herbal medicines have been of great help in treating this problem. You might have to try a few different medicines or combination of treatments to identify the one which works best for you.