New parents often ask, "When should my child first see a dentist?"
The short answer is "The first visit by the first birthday."
The idea of such early dental visits is still surprising to many new parents. But cavities aren't all that parents need to learn about their child's dental health. The age 1 dental visit lets parents discuss:
- How to care for an infant's or toddler's mouth
- Proper use of fluoride
- Oral habits, including finger and thumb sucking
- Ways to prevent accidents that could damage the face and teeth
- Teething and milestones of development
- The link between diet and oral health
After this first visit, the dentist will suggest a schedule of follow-up visits. The follow-up appointments may vary according to each child's needs and risks. As your child grows, the dental team can help you learn how to prevent common oral problems. Making infant and children’s oral health a priority is a key to lifelong health
- Nursing bottle caries,
- Oral Habits,
- Tooth Decay,
- Bad Breath,
- Grinding,
- Gum Disease,
- Over-Retained Primary (baby) Teeth,
- Orthodontic Problems,
- Delayed tooth eruption, etc.