"Ayurveda"" means living in tune with nature. Ayurveda, a Holistic system of medicine, has emerged in India centuries ago; but is now practiced as Alternative Medicine in other parts of the world.
This is an ancient system of medicine having a rich repository of resources even for Dentistry. Shalakya Tantra, one of the eight classical branches of Ayurveda, deals with the description and treatment of the organs seated above the neck, including the teeth. In Ayurveda, dental health is called as Danta Swasthya.
According to Ayurveda, an imbalance in the three Doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) or substances that are present in a person's body causes various diseases. Vata is the subtle energy of movement; pitta is the energy digestion or metabolism, and Kapha is the energy of lubrication and structure. The predicament with Kapha Dosa can lead to dental problems.
In Ayurveda, various herbal plants are used as health care products. The Dental Fraternity has witnessed the positive effects of these herbal products in the form of tooth paste, gum paints, mouth washes, rootcanals, tooth whiteners, etc.
The commonly used herbs in Dentistry like amla (Gooseberry), Lemon solution, Triphala, Haritaki, (Tree tea oil),
Alov vera, Azadirachta indica (Neem), Piper Betel, Osmium sanctum (Basil/ Tulsi ), Curcuma longa (Turmeric powder) posses antibacterial and anti-plaque properties.
As a substitute to the conventionally available oral care products, most individuals use herbal mouth washes that promote holistic health and wellness. Regular use of herbal oral care products containing antibacterial and anti-plaque properties helps control the formation of Supragingval Plaque and prevents the development of Periodontal Disease. Herbal extracts, which have been used since ancient times, have now received special attention because they are non chemical and non-synthetic.
Ayurveda emphasizes using herbal toothbrushes twice a day to keep the oral cavity hygienic and healthy. This procedure consists of chewing and slowly eating a herbal twig/stick. A stick of neem is the most commonly used herbal chewing stick. The twigs and oil of neem, which contain substances that have a broad-spectrum of antimicrobial activity, when used with tooth paste helps reduce gingival irritation. Herbal toothpaste made up of Chamomile, Echinacea, Sage, Myrrh, Rhatany, and Peppermint oil has been found to be as effective as conventional toothpaste.
According to Ayurveda, each part of the tongue is related to different organ systems in the body, such as the Lungs, Heart, Stomach, Liver, Spleen, Kidneys, Thyroid, Spine, and Intestines. A tongue can tell much about the health of your internal organs and their functions. Hence, it is important to keep the tongue hygienic and healthy.
The concept of oil pulling has been mentioned in charaka samhita, a comprehensive text on Ayurveda where it is referred to as Kavala Graha and Gandusha. They are the two traditional methods of oral cleaning or a specialized therapy to treat as well as to preclude oral diseases.
The difference between the two therapies lies in the composition of drugs, dosage, and gandusha. They are the two traditional methods of oral cleansing or a Specialized Therapy to treat as well as to preclude oral diseases.
Triphala Mouthwash is cost- effective when compared to commercially available chlorhexidine mouth washes; besides, it has no side effects and can be used for a long period of time. Oil pulling also helps promote systemic health and is practiced extensively as Traditional Folk Medicine. In this therapy, edible oils like sunflower or sesame oil are used, helping strengthen the teeth, gums, jaws, and cracked lips. Oil pulling is clinically very effective against plaque- induced Gingivitis.
In Ayurveda Amla, a well- known herb, is considered as a general re-builder of oral health. Amla works well as a mouth rinse. One to two grams of Amla can be taken every day for long-term benefit of the teeth and gums, as it will help enhance the healing and development of the connective tissue.
Regular use of bilberry and hawthorn berries helps stabilize collagen and enhance the gum tissue. Herbs, such as yellow Dock Root, Alfalfa Leaf, Cinnamon Bark and Turmeric Root can be taken internally to facilitate the proper growth of the skeleton and the joints.
In conclusion, ayurvedic dental medicines and procedures are gaining popularity and producing more than expected results.