Amla is an ancient and very useful herb, which is used as an Ayurvedic and folk medicine for the treatment and prevention of a variety of ailments, especially diabetes mellitus. According to Ayurveda classics, Amla is considered as the best anti-ageing herb. Amla is abundant in vitamin C and a good source of minerals and amino acids (building blocks of protein). Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant, which keeps oxidative stress and diseases and disorders related to it at bay. Amla pulp is an important part of various medicinal preparations. Such preparations are very effective in the treatment of a headache, diabetes mellitus, liver diseases and cardiovascular diseases.Amla is also a main ingredient of famous ayurvedic preparations such as Chyawanprash.  Amalaki Rasayana is also prepared using Amla and Amla Juice. These two preparations are beneficial for rejuvenating purposes and have potent anti-ageing characteristics.Amalaki is one of the essential ingredients of 'TRIPHLA' choorna. Which is the most important and most popular combination of Indian Herbs in Ayurvedic system of medicine and used worldwide for its Rasayana and laxative property?

  • Medicinal Properties
  • Anti-oxidant
  • Immunomodulator
  • Hypoglycemic
  • Hypolipidemic
  • Antihypertensive
  • Antacid 
  • Tonic
  • Mild laxative 

So, if you want to keep yourself young and energetic, include Amla in your diet.