1. What is the meaning of Botox?

 BOTOX® is a trade name for a type of medicine that is made from living things and hence is referred to be biological products. Because biological products are large proteins and are harder to break down, they need to be injected into the body instead of being given orally.  It is made from a toxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. 

2. What are the most common uses of Botox for therapeutic reasons?           

A trademark for a preparation of botulinum toxin is Botox® which is used to treat blepharospasms, strabismus, chronic migraine and muscle dystonias like CD cervical dystonia particularly.Also interestingly and increasingly being used for underarm sweating and of course to smooth facial wrinkles. 

3. How do they work?

BOTOX® Cosmetic works by blocking the transmission of nerve impulses to the injected muscles by acting on a chemical known as acetylcholine that is released by the nerve cells. Because these chemical carried messages are blocked, there is less of a chance of developing fine lines and wrinkles and very minute doses of Botox are sufficient for it with few tiny injections nearly painlessly.The effects of BOTOX® Cosmetic are usually confined to the injected region; it does not travel throughout the body. Botox is most renowned for its effectiveness in reducing wrinkles and received FDA approval for this purpose in 2002, having been shown to be safe in clinical trials.     

4. What are the risks of Botox as a Cosmetic injection?

The only absolute contraindication known of Botox is muscle or nerve conditions such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS or Lou Gehrig's disease), myasthenia gravis, or Lambert-Eaton syndrome. BOTOX®Cosmetic is contraindicated in the presence of infection at the proposed injection site and in individuals with known hypersensitivity to any ingredient in the formulation.The most common side effect of BOTOX® treatment is temporary bruising. Another side effect is headaches, however, this is a rare occurrence. If headaches do occur, they are usually gone within 24 to 48hours. Injections in the face may also cause temporary drooping of eyelids if injected in the wrong muscle or is caused by migration of the BOTOX®from the treated area to an adjacent area. This is why you shouldn't rub the treated area for at least twelve hours after your BOTOX® procedure and why you are told not to lie down for three to four hours after treatment.  

5. Is this treatment only for the rich and famous? 

BOTOX injections are customized to individual client’s needs and concerns, and price varies depending on areas to be injected and the amount of the BOTOX to be used. For the most common cosmetic applications like the removal of crow feet’s, forehead lines and frown lines, the cost is very affordable.   

6. Are BOTOX treatments painful?

Do I need some anaesthesia along with it? The needles used to inject BOTOX are thin and tiny, and discomfort is minimal &brief, and these injections feel nothing more than the pull of a rubber band against the skin. Generally, one does not need a local anaesthesia cream for BOTOX. One can resume one’s daily routine almost immediately post- BOTOX

7. How long does a BOTOX treatment take?

It is a lunch-time procedure. It takes just 10-15 minutes and is done in a doctors office. There is no recovery period following BOTOX injections, and you can resume normal activities almost immediately. 

8.  Are BOTOX injections really effective? 

BOTOX is truly effective and in fact the reason as to why it is so popular. BOTOX results are proven and predictable, and with millions of satisfied customers worldwide, and in India over the last so many years BOTOX has proven to be trusted ally for people who want to continue looking beautiful…  

Before Getting Botox: Things to Know

If you're considering having botox done, make sure you find a qualified trained doctor who's an expert at it. Ask any questions you might have about the procedure, no matter how insignificant you think they might be. Choose a medical office that has a sterile, professional environment and also not compromising to the quality of the medicine used.