Intestinal gas is a normal byproduct of digestion and absorption.When it occurs in normal amounts, it may cause some discomfort but is usually quite manageable. The main dietary strategies to treat gas are
1) Avoid foods and beverages that create more gas
2) Eat in a way that regulates contractions of the bowel
While gas and bloating are common side effects of some anti-HIV drugs, they may also be the result of another gastrointestinal problem. If you are experiencing these symptoms, be sure to tell your doctor, as they may require investigation.
Decreasing tummy rumbles
- Eat at regular times to help the bowel become more regulated in its contractions.
- If constipation or diarrhea is a problem, see those sections for more information.
- Eat slowly and chew food well to aid in digestion and to avoid swallowing air.
- Chew less gum and drink fewer carbonated beverages, especially beer, asthese add air into the stomach.
- Some very healthy foods like legumes (dried peas and beans), onions, garlic,broccoli and cabbage produce a lot of gas. Instead of dropping them from your diet, try a product like Beano when you eat these foods. Fennel seeds (as a tea, in your cooking or just chewed alone) will also reduce gas and aid indigestion.
- Try to identify the foods that increase the problem. When gas attacks, think of what you ate at the previous meal. Look for patterns. Then see if it helps to reduce or avoid the suspect food.
- Lactaid enzymes taken with dairy products may help.
- Try acidophilus supplements or commercial over-the-counter products that contain simethicone (e.g. GAS-X).
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