One of the major sexual complaints both men and women would have is that the act does not last long. For most of them, there is a constant (sometimes untold) wish to prolong their contribution to the sexual act. The male often feels this more strongly than the females. The length of the sexual act often is decided by the males (in general). However, there are a number of males with an undisclosed problem of premature ejaculation. While there could be underlying medical problems that could be contributing to this, very often, it is not the case. 

There are very simple measures which are proven to be highly effective in making sex last longer. Read on to know more.

1) Eat right: While it may not be very evident, it is very important to eat right. Eat natural, wholesome, healthy foods which boost serotonin levels in the brain. This improves the psychological well-being and makes one feel good. Needless to say, that does reduce stress and lead to good sex. Eggs which contain cholesterol increase the amount of testosterone and improve performance.

2) Smoking: Quit smoking, as it is one of the main causes of premature ejaculation, which kills the whole act. Abstain from smoking and see the difference for yourself, though this is not the only change you will see.

3) Kegel exercises: One of the best ways to make sex last longer is the Kegel exercise, which allows a man to control the contractions of the penis. This can be done anytime anywhere. Start practice by contracting and releasing the pelvic floor muscles (which are the muscles used to stop the flow of urine halfway through). As you near ejaculation, try this exercise and ejaculation would be controlled. Controlling these muscles are useful in delaying ejaculation and prolonging the duration of sex.

4) Breathing during sex: While sex is portrayed as making one go breathless, learning to breathe during the act can go a long way. Focusing on breathing and the actual sensation improves performance and satisfaction levels.

5) Masturbation: This is a double-edged sword. For some men, it can reduce the sensation in the penile tip and so help prolong the act. For some others, it might kill the desire and make them not want the act. Try and see if it works for you.

6) Desensitizing the penis: An extra-sensitive tip often leads to premature ejaculation, reducing the duration of the sexual act. Condoms and/or desensitising creams can help manage this problem.

7) Medical conditions: If you have medical conditions causing this, have these checked and corrected.Also, don’t fret too much. In many instances, performance anxiety is the most important contributor, and not worrying about it sometimes becomes the solution.