Exams are done. Waiting for results can be anxiety provoking. There are ways to make the most out of this little break. There might be a lot of things already in your mind. Things that you are doing or plan to do. To make a structure for that here are some things you can give your time to. 

1) Keep your Question papers and worries aside  

Once you have completed your last paper now you do not control them. Keep all you books, notes and question papers aside. Don't be your own examiner and keep guessing your marks, that is not your job. So let's start working on the factors that we control.  

Think what we can do to build a better career graph & future. No matter how high or less you score, this is a new opportunity. A blank Slate. Everything starts fresh and you can make a difference no matter what marks you get.

2) Design Career options that help you stand out

Meet a career expert and figure out a career growth graph. Take different tests for your abilities and interests. Know your career options. At Metamorphosis we have a career integration expert.

Career Integration Experts will let you know the career combination. Different combinations of new careers can be created. With passing time getting one degree in one area may not be that very useful. So what combination suits you and create a bright future. Career Integration, will help you stand out. Know more about career Integration at our confidence clinic.

3) Hands On experience 

You might be already worried about your new tuition class, admission etc. Making space for something new would be a challenge but do take it. Take out some time to work with NGO or different group.

Metamorphosis has as a group called Innovation Adda, you can meet and create projects with like-minded people. This will help you know about people, work in collaboration and manage teams. These are the future skills that companies are looking for. So empathies with teams, groups and know how to mingle. 

4)Meet your role models 

No matter what Career you plan, meet your role models. Spend a day along with them. See what their career looks like in a day. Meeting a role model is very inspiring and fulfilling.

Today even if you cannot meet them in person at least you can know more about them on twitter.  Look at their career path on their linked-in profile. Sometimes meeting people can give new dimensions to thinking. Try it. 

5)Learn unlearn Repeat 

One thing that is going to be a basic need of future careers is learning and unlearning. As skills will be new and redundant at a faster pace. Continuous learning can be helpful.

Take a free course on coursera or learn coding for free on www.code.org. Try to inculcate a reading habit of non-academic books,fiction / non-fiction etc.  Here is a list you can read as starters.