Parenting is one of the most difficult and demanding tasks in this world. It requires patience, continuous learning, and sacrifices. Parents are responsible not only for the birth of the child but also for their well-being. For children, their parents are their first teachers, those who inculcate in them the right manners, attitudes, and habits. As parents, you are responsible for shaping up your child’s behavior and implementing positive values in him/her. Your children will listen, observe, and imitate you. To be a good role model to your child, you have to be careful in deciding what habits and manners you want to pass down to your children.

The manners and habits that you inculcate in your child in the early days have an impact on their mental, physical and social well-being and most of them will stay with them for a lifetime. Some of the habits that you should teach your child in his/her early days are:

1. Eating healthy food. 

Children always have the propensity to consume junk food and avoid healthy food. It is your duty to teach your child to eat healthy food. You must explain and elucidate the importance and nutritional value of eating healthy food. At the same time, highlight the harm caused by junk and processed food to your child. You should introduce multiple fruits and green vegetables in your child’s diet. Eating healthy food is a habit that reaps great benefits in the long run.

Eating healthy food will build your child’s immunity, keep him/her active, contribute to physical and mental development, and most importantly, keep your child away from serious health conditions that are often caused by unhealthy food items.

2. Table manners are a must.

Children eating on their own generally creates a mess. While it might be fun when your child is a toddler (1-3 years of age), you have to build the right table manners from the early days. Teach your child how to use a spoon and a fork and what should be the etiquettes that must be observed while eating with a large group of people. Begin to treat your child as a grown-up as he or she sits at the table.

There are a whole lot of fun ways to teach table manners to your child, from activities, role plays, inviting your child’s friends over for a meal, through books and online videos. 

When you teach your child good table manners from the early years, you help create opportunities for the right social interaction etiquettes that are likely to stay with your child forever.

3. Regular brushing and flossing are important.

The importance of teeth is most acutely felt with advanced age. Therefore, it is imperative that you teach your child to take good care of his/her teeth. You must educate your child about the necessity of healthy oral practices and ensure your child brushes his/her teeth, daily and twice a day. Brushing in the morning as well as before going to sleep is equally important and your child must be aware of it.

Flossing is another important oral hygiene habit. Dental floss or floss is a cord of thin filaments used to remove food and plaque that is easily available at the pharmacy. Regular and proper flossing will remove food particles and plaque (a yellow, sticky film that coats your child’s teeth) stuck in your child’s teeth, most often in places where the toothbrush does not reach. 

Brushing and flossing properly, along with regular dental checkups with your paediatric dentist can help prevent tooth decay (mainly due to cavities) and gum diseases in your child. 

4. Early to bed and early to rise will make your child healthy, wealthy, and wise.

Your child has to get adequate sleep daily. Sleep affects every aspect of your child’s health. Getting enough sleep at the right time is the key to better physical and mental health and therefore, you must make it a habit from the very beginning to put your child to sleep early.

An adequate amount of sleep is needed for improved attention, behavior, learning, and memory. Sleep is important for your child’s immune system and all the repair of the wear and tear usually happens during sleep. If your child sleeps well (a minimum of 8 to 9 hours of sleep is recommended daily for young children), he/she will be happy, energetic, playful, and ready to take on each day with new enthusiasm and look forward to learning and development.

5. Playing outdoors for a healthy mind and body.

You must make it a habit for your child to play outside more often. Staying at home without much physical activity has serious repercussions like obesity (a chronic condition in which there is an excess accumulation of body fat) and lethargy (laziness). 

Childhood obesity is a complex health issue and can have a negative effect on the overall well-being of your child. Children who are physically inactive tend to fall sick more, are often irritated, unhappy and uninterested. 

Staying physically active will sharpen your child’s mind and body, boost his/her immune system and keep your child away from infections and diseases. Make sure your child gets at least an hour and more of physical activity every single day. 

Instilling and inculcating good values in your child will make him/her a good person and a better citizen. Always be mindful of the fact that being too strict or too easy isn't going to help. Finding a balance is the best way for teaching the right habits and manners to your child. Talk to your paediatrician for more guidance.

Disclaimer: This article is written by the Practitioner for informational and educational purposes only. The content presented on this page should not be considered as a substitute for medical expertise. Please "DO NOT SELF-MEDICATE" and seek professional help regarding any health conditions or concerns. Practo will not be responsible for any act or omission arising from the interpretation of the content present on this page.