Love sleep? Who doesn't? Every aspect of your health is affected by sleep. It is an important part of your everyday routine. You spend one-third of your life sleeping. Getting enough sleep at the right time is the key to better physical and mental health. When you sleep, your body has a chance to rest and restore the energy lost throughout the day.

Poor or disturbed sleep is a common health problem. Poor sleep leads to irritation, reduced concentration, a bad mood, and memory problems. It may contribute to depression, anxiety, and addiction. It may also lead to frequent headaches, stomach problems, and lower productivity. 

Getting enough good-quality sleep is essential for your overall health and immunity. Along with the right diet and a healthy lifestyle, practising Yoga regularly can also help you sleep better. 

Let’s look at some Yoga Asanas to help you sleep better. 

Yoga Asanas For Improved Sleep

1. Shavasana (Corpse Pose or Mrtasana or Yoga Nidra

  • Shavasana is the pose of rest and relaxation which is often practised at the end of a complete yoga session or routine. 

  • It is known as ‘Corpse Pose’ because the posture looks similar to that of a dead body or a corpse. 

  • It helps in releasing stress and bringing your mind and body to a calm, neutral state.

How To Do It:

  • Lie on your back, with your arms 10 to 15 cm away from your body. Keep your palms facing up and let your fingers curl.

  • Align your head, torso (central or core part of your body), and legs in a straight line, with a little gap between your legs. 

  • Close your eyes and breathe in and out from your nose, slowly and gently. Feel your entire body relaxing and stress relieving from every part of your body. Bring awareness to your right foot, right knee, and so on until you have covered all parts of your body.

  • Release all your thoughts and emotions. Continue this until you are completely in your subconscious state. 

  • After about 15 to 20 minutes, roll onto your right side with your eyes still closed. Stay in this position for a minute. 

  • With the support of your right hand, lift your body up and come to a seated position.

  • Take a few deep breaths and bring the awareness back to your environment. You may rub your palms to create some heat; keep your warm hands on both your eyes and gently open your eyes. 

2. Padmasana (Lotus Pose)

  • Padmasana is a cross-legged sitting meditation pose that derives its name from the Sanskrit word “Padma”, which means Lotus. 

  • It soothes the mind and connects your mind, body, and spirit (soul), which stabilises your body and breathing pattern.

  • In Padmasana, slow and controlled breaths help you to relax your mind and body, thus preparing you for a good night’s sleep.

How To Do It:

  • Begin by sitting on a yoga mat with your legs crossed and feet tucked under your legs.

  • Use your hands to bring your right foot on top of your left calf (the back portion of your lower leg) with the sole of the foot facing upwards.

  • Adjust your right foot so that it is as high as possible on your left thigh. 

  • Keep your left knee bent so that the left shin (the front part of your leg between your knee and ankle) rests comfortably on the floor in a cross-legged position.

  • Lift your head towards the ceiling and sit upright to keep your spine long. Your hands can rest on your thighs with the palms turned up or down.

  • Take at least 10 deep breaths.

  • Release and set yourself up with the right foot on the bottom and the left foot on top. 

  • Try to do both sides whenever you sit in the pose for more than a few breaths.

  • Make sure you give a gap of at least 2 hours after dinner and do not practice this exercise in a hurry. 

3. Supta Baddha Konasana (Reclined Butterfly Pose)

  • Supta Baddha Konasana helps the spine and waist come in line with your natural sleeping posture, and allows your body to relax. 

  • It calms the body and mind, and helps relieve stress, headaches, and fatigue.

  • It is the same as the Butterfly pose, just done lying down. 

How To Do It:

  • Sit on the floor or your bed with your legs extended. 

  • Bring the soles of the feet together with your knees out to the side, making a diamond shape with the legs.

  • Lie back on a bolster kept on the floor or your bed. 

  • Place your hands on your side and take 5 to 10 deep breaths.

  • Roll onto your side and use your hands to sit back up.

These are just 3 simple Yoga Asanas to help you sleep better. In case you experience poor or disturbed sleep or insomnia for a prolonged time, consult your physician without delay. 

Disclaimer: This article is written by the Practitioner for informational and educational purposes only. The content presented on this page should not be considered as a substitute for medical expertise. Please "DO NOT SELF-MEDICATE" and seek professional help regarding any health conditions or concerns. Practo will not be responsible for any act or omission arising from the interpretation of the content present on this page.