3 EXERCISES to get a sexy look in SAREE : Curb Side Tyres

1. TRX Side Plank

This exercise offers muscle balance in core strength and challenges the body by placing more demands on the oblique muscles. Lie face down on the floor facing away from the TRX anchor point with the straps adjusted to mid calf length. Place your toes in the foot cradles with the top foot and leg directly in front of the back foot and leg in a tandem position.

 Place your elbow directly under your shoulder, and maintain proper body alignment. When you are ready,lift your hips off the floor and hold the side plank position. Keep your shoulders pulled back and your core engaged to keep your back from sagging. You can increase the intensity by getting up onto your hand. To change sides, roll “under” to move to the other side. If you roll “over,” your feet will likely come out of the foot cradles. To increase the challenge, place the top leg behind the front heel in a tandem position.

2. TRX Pike

This intense move requires upper body and core stabilization and strengthens the abdominals and shoulders. Lie face down on the floor facing away from the TRX anchor point with the straps adjusted to mid calf length. Place your toes in the foot cradles, and place your hands directly under your shoulders. When you are ready, lift your knees off the floor and move into the plank position. Pike your hips upward toward the ceiling, activating your quadriceps. Avoid flexing your knees. Drop your head when in the pike to avoid stressing your neck.

3. TRX Crunch

This exercise tests core and lower body strength with an anaerobic challenge as the tempo of the movements and the repetitions increase. Lie face down on the floor facing away from the TRX anchor point with the straps adjusted to mid calf length. 

Place your toes in the foot cradles. Place your hands directly under your shoulders. When you are ready, lift your knees off the floor and come into the plank position. From plank pose, begin to pull your knees into your chest. Contract your abdominals and lift your hips slightly as you pull your knees in.