1. Increase Iron Rich Food:
It is seen that those who suffer from iron deficiency usually exhibit the symptoms of anemia. You could take up:
- Food that is rich in iron content
- Vitamin supplements
These steps will ensure that you step up the iron content in the body which is the main element needed to produce hemoglobin
Apples are rich in micro nutrients including iron. Thus, if you are anemic you need to intake:
- Fruits of different kinds
- Consume more than one apple a day
Consume Citrus Fruits. It is necessary to have citrus fruits which increase the iron content in the body and the absorption of the micro nutrient.
- Have at least more than one citrus fruit a day
- Choose between limes, lemons and other fruits
Try Figs
- Figs are seen to be excellent remedy for anemia
- One should consume three to four figs daily in order to combat anemia
Try Bananas It is important to incorporate bananas in one’s diet.
- It is known to be a good source of magnesium
- Banana combined with honey will surely help one to step up the necessary salt content for increasing hemoglobin in the blood.
3. Honey:
Honey is known to be an excellent source of cure for anemia.
- A concoction of honey, lemon juice and apple cider vinegar will prove to be ideal to combat the anemic conditions
- Such a mixture is known to be a powerful antioxidant and will help to address general health issues as well. It is necessary to increase honey intake as it is beneficial for an anemic person. It is rich in iron, manganese and copper. These micro nutrients are known for their necessity to step up the hemoglobin content in the bloodstream
4. Beetroot Juice:
It is imperative that one know the vegetables that are rich in iron content.• Beetroot is one such vegetable which is beneficial for those who have low iron content and suffer from anemia• Beetroot can be had as a cooked vegetable or in the form of beetroot juice which is more effective
5. Currants In The Morning:
One could soak currant and consume them to feel the benefits. About ten currants should be soaked overnight. The seeds should be removed. They should be eaten first thing in the morning.
This should be done for a period of three to four weeks
6. Increase Red Colored Fruits And Veggies In Your Diet:
The red colored fruits as well as vegetables contain the necessary vitamins which will enrich the blood of hemoglobin and reduce anemia.
- Have apples
- Use tomatoes in your diet
- Consume beetroot as vegetable or in juice form
7. Consume Green And Leafy Vegetables:
One should consume green and leafy vegetables as that helps to step up the level of micro nutrients in the body.
- Increase iron content
- Increase salt content
8. Vitamin B12:
It is seen that anemic patients are usually low on their vitamin B12 content. This can be increased by:
- Consuming fruits and food items rich in such a micro nutrient
- Taking up supplements rich in this complex micro nutrient
9. Avoid Caffeinated Drinks:
It is best to avoid coffee as the caffeine increases the heart rate and might not be ideal for anemic patients. Try and consume decaf version. Limit the number of cups of coffee consumed.
10. Stay Active:
The more active one stays the more the capability of the blood to circulate and keep one healthy. Regular exercises should be done. Strength training will increase muscle mass and help keep up strength and keep away fatigue.