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Sehgal Neo Hospital

Sehgal Neo Hospital

Sehgal Neo Hospital

(71 patient stories)

Paschim Vihar, Delhi

Multi-Speciality Hospital

•50 Beds•

18 Doctors

Common questions & answers

Q: How can I take appointments for doctors in Sehgal Neo Hospital?

A: You can take appointments for doctors who practice in Sehgal Neo Hospital online on Practo.

Q: What do doctors who practice in Sehgal Neo Hospital specialise in?

A: Currently around 18 doctors practice in Sehgal Neo Hospital who specialise as ear-nose-throat (ent) specialist, general surgeon, laparoscopic surgeon and more.

Q: What are the Sehgal Neo Hospital timings?

A: Hospital is usually open 24x7. You can contact the hospital through Practo.

Q: What procedures are performed in Sehgal Neo Hospital?

A: Procedures that can be performed on the hospital are Breast Surgery and more.

Q: Where is Sehgal Neo Hospital located?

A: Sehgal Neo Hospital is located in #B-362, 363, 364, Meera Bagh, Outer Ring Road, Near ICICI Bank, Paschim Vihar, Delhi, Delhi 110063. You can view more details about the hospital and book doctors on practo.