1st & 2nd Floor, Link House, Link Road, Chincoli, Landmark: Opposite Icchapurti Hanuman Mandir, Mumbai
Get DirectionsAltiuz Multispeciality Hospital & Research Center is a Psychiatry Clinic in Malad West, Mumbai. The clinic is visited by doctors like Dr. Prabhojit Mohanty. The timings of Altiuz Multispeciality Hospital & Research Center are: Mon-Sat: 18:00-23:00 and Sun: 09:00-13:00. Some of the services provided by the Clinic are: Anxiety Disorders Treatment,Concentration Problems,Psychological diagnosis (adult and child),Memory Improvement and Depression Counselling etc. Click on map to find directions to reach Altiuz Multispeciality Hospital & Research Center.
Mon - Sat
06:00 - 11:00
09:00 - 01:00
Visited Dr. Prabhojit Mohanty (Psychiatrist)
Dr Prabhojit is a very calm and logical person who put me at ease as soon as the session started. He patiently explained everything and answered all my questions. Thank you doctor.
Visited Dr. Prabhojit Mohanty (Psychiatrist)
Sir is a very patient listener and also patiently explained the diagnosis and future course of treatment. He took time to also teach me mindfulness techniques and box breathing.
Visited Dr. Prabhojit Mohanty (Psychiatrist)
Visited Dr. Prabhojit Mohanty (Psychiatrist)
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