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Dr. Raghavendra Cheruku

Dr. Raghavendra Cheruku Cardiologist in Hyderabad

Dr. Raghavendra Cheruku

Profile is claimed



General Physician,

Interventional Cardiologist

14 Years Experience Overall  (5 years as specialist)

Medical Registration Verified

Dr. Raghavendra is a practicing Interventional cardiologist in Gemcare kamineni hospital kurnool.

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Common questions & answers

Q: Why do patients visit Dr. Raghavendra Cheruku?

A: Patients frequently visit Dr. Raghavendra Cheruku for PCI (Percutaneous Coronary Interventions), Pacemaker Implantation. To see more reasons visit the doctor's profile on Practo.

Q: What is Dr. Raghavendra Cheruku's education qualification?

A: Dr. Raghavendra Cheruku has the following qualifications - MBBS.

Q: What does Dr. Raghavendra Cheruku specialises in ?

A: Dr. Raghavendra Cheruku specialises as Cardiologist, General Physician, Interventional Cardiologist.

Q: How many years of experience does Dr. Raghavendra Cheruku have?

A: Dr. Raghavendra Cheruku has an overall experience of 14 years. View where has Dr. Raghavendra Cheruku practiced in the past.

Q: Who is Dr. Raghavendra Cheruku?

A: Dr. Raghavendra is a practicing Interventional cardiologist in Gemcare kamineni hospital kurnool.. View more details about the doctor on Practo.

Awards and Recognitions

Best poster award in APICON , Newdelhi - 2014


MBBS - Kurnool Medical College, Kurnool, 2011


72008 Telangana State Medical Council, 2011