Why should you quit smoking?
Tobacco consumption kills about 8 lakh people every year in India. Cigarettes contain addictive nicotine and 4000 chemicals which are known to cause cancer. 40% of people detected with cancer in India are due to tobacco use. Smoking causes long-lasting lung and cardiovascular diseases.
To begin with:
- Think of your smoking behaviour, introspect about it, why I have got addicted to it.
- Do not deny that you are not addicted to smoking. Accept it as a problem.
- Overconfidence about quitting is not good.
- Affirm yourself that “ though quitting is a problem I can leave it anytime.”
- Decide a quit date. Do not postpone. Be determined.
- Take help of family members/ friends/colleagues, they would be very happy to support you.
- Always remember you have to take a step, do not blame others or stress as a cause for your addiction. “A Journey of healthy and happy life begins with a single step.”
- Our mind has the capacity to overcome any addiction.
How to reduce the quantity:
- Keep a record of amount and frequency of cigarette use.
- Change to a brand of cigarette you don’t like.
- Decrease the number of puffs while smoking.
- Do not inhale deeply.
- Do not buy cigarette packs and keep a stock, buy less cigarette.
How to handle the urge/craving to smoke:
- Delay the urge by 1 or 2 hrs or by counting numbers. Distract yourself. Remember urge will last only for few minutes.
- You can use nicotine gums, chewing gums, toffee when the urge is very strong.
- Manage the stimulus associated with smoking, i.e. drink coffee or juice instead of tea etc.
- Remove things which remind you of smoking from your house and office (ashtrays, lighters etc.)
- Take deep breaths, it will calm you.
- Drink small sips of water.
After Quitting Smoking:
- Feel good about your behaviour.
- Talk to people about your achievement, it will boost your self-esteem.
- Say no to smoking offers from colleagues or friend.
- Avoid the company of smokers and try not to take a single puff.
- Practice relaxation techniques- deep breathing, listening to music, exercises etc.
- Know about withdrawal symptoms like irritability, decreased concentration, headache, restlessness.
- These symptoms are temporary and last only for few days.
- Do not get disheartened if you fail, keep trying.
- Quitting is a process and relapse is common, you need to be aware of it.
- If you are unable to quit in spite of multiple attempts, seek medical help.
- Medication course is available to make your quit process easy.
- Always remember with conscious determination you can achieve anything.
Smoking Cessation is the single most important step that smokers can take to enhance the length and quality of their lives.
Choose life, not tobacco. Happy quitting!