When you look around, you will be surprised to notice, how many of your friends and relatives are gaining weight and becoming heavier in the recent times. The reason for this situation is obvious, Our Dietary consumption is high in terms of quality and quantity and the calorie burning is at the lowest. If we stick to our eating and exercise habits, future historians will look back at the early 21st century as a golden age of Heavy Weights in India.
National Surveys projects that half of Indian adults will be obese by 2030 unless we change our eating habits and increase the activity.
We are catching up with USA and other developed countries in so many fields, so is with obesity.
The "F as in Fat" report highlights the current glum picture of the U.S. obesity epidemic, in which 35.7 percent of adults and16.9 percent of children age 2 to 19 are obese, as the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported earlier this year.
We in India are not far behind in this field too. We are treading the same path as US Adults and Children as far as increase in weight is concerned.
Obesity raises the risk of numerous diseases, from type 2 diabetes to endometrial cancer, meaning more sick people and higher medical costs in the future, the report said.
The survey projects as many as 79 Lakhs new cases of diabetes a year by 2030, compared with 19 lakhs new cases in recent years. There could also be 68 Lakhs new cases of chronic heart disease and stroke every year, compared with 13 Lakhs new cases a year now.
The increasing burden of illness will go right to the bottom line, resulting lot of financial burden on the Individual as well as the nation.
Remember all these are preventable, just by watching the weight. Maintaining it properly by watching what you are eating and indulging in active exercises daily for at least 45 minutes
"We're at a turning point where if we don't do something now to mitigate these trends, the cost in human health and health care spending will be enormous."
Obesity is defined as having a body mass index (BMI) above 30. The grading of Obesity is done according to the BMI. BMI 25 to 30 is called as Over Weight and 30 to 35 as Grade 1Obesity, 35 to 40 is Grade 2 and above 40 as Grade 3 or Morbid Obesity. BMI is calculated by taking weight in Kilos and dividing it by the square of height in Metres. For instance, someone who is 5 feet, 5 inches tall and weighs 84 kg has a BMI of 30.8.
Obesity rates among Indian adults have more than doubled from the 11 percent of 1996. In that same time, they have more than tripled among children.
This has prompted World Health Organization ( WHO ) to declare Obesity as a disease and not a disorder. According to WHO, obesity and it’s side effects will be the second main reason for death in another decade .