Here is why your teeth need more than just brushing
Brushing your teeth in the mornings and right before going to bed may not be enough for taking proper care of your teeth. Each time you eat anything tiny food particles tend to get stuck in between your teeth which you cannot see or where your toothbrush cannot reach. Food particles trapped in these areas begin to rot due to bacterial action which produces acid and plaque corroding your teeth. You need to use a dental floss to ensure a clean mouth.
Here is how flossing helps you:
- Proper flossing removes plaque and dislodges food particles stuck in areas where a toothbrush cannot easily reach i.e., below the gum-line and in-between your teeth.
- Regular flossing also reduces chances of gum disease and drives away bad breath by averting plaque build-up that forms along the gum line.
- Remember that flossing does not cause bleeding. If flossing your teeth leads to gum bleeding, it implies that you are not flossing in the desired manner.
The right way to floss -
- Slip the floss between the teeth and into the area between your teeth and gums, as far as it will go.
- Floss with 8 to 10 strokes, up and down between each tooth, to dislodge food and plaque.
- Floss at least twice a day. The most important time to floss is before going to bed.
Value your teeth and take care of them.