Decades of research into physical activity has proven that people who are usually inactive can improve their health and wellbeing by becoming even moderately active on a regular basis, and that physical activity need not be strenuous to achieve these health benefits.

Health Benefits Of Exercise

The health benefits of changing your diet will be enhanced if you can also change other aspects of your lifestyle, such as incorporating exercise into your weekly routine and learning to relax and giving your body time to recover from the daily stresses of modern living.

Exercise Helps in Weight Loss

Exercise is more than just pounding weights or strenuous keep-fit classes at the gym. Regular physical activity helps the circulatory system deliver oxygen and nutrients around the body and the removal of toxins and waste products. It also improves the condition of the skin, reduces the rate of bone loss, the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes. Even regular moderate exercise helps elevate feelings of depression and anxiety, control weight and build and maintain strong and healthy bones, muscles and joints.

Exercise stimulates the production of endorphins, chemical substances produced by the body that make you feel happy and exhilarated. 

So exercising is not only good for you in general but it also makes you feel happy too! Ideally, you should engage in moderate exercise for 30 minutes every day; this can be done in one go or divided up into a few manageable sessions. In addition, try to include in your exercise regime two or three times a week, aerobic exercise sessions such as swimming, cycling, brisk walking or running. Exercise need not mean the same thing to everyone. Not everybody has the time or inclination to take part in a vigorous exercise programme. A moderate amount of physical activity can be achieved in a variety of ways.

Select activities that are enjoyable and fit into daily life. Moderate exercise includes taking the dog for a walk, using the stairs or going for a walk in your lunch hour. The important thing is to do it on a daily basis and to combine it with a balanced diet of proteins, complex carbohydrates, fibre, vegetables and fruit.

To avoid soreness and injury, an increase in physical activity should start slowly and gradually build up to the desired amount to allow your body time to adjust. People with chronic health problems such as heart disease, diabetes or obesity should consult a doctor before starting an exercise programme.