Read on to gain an insight into the world of Counselling through the eyes of Counsellor, writer, Life skills trainer Sujatha:
What is Counselling?
Counselling has been a very integral part of our life from ancient times. It has been in the form of an elderly person of the family addressing the difficult situations and guiding the family as a unit for generations. Counselling also happens through friends, peers, or that one special person who is a listener and helps you by being there for you. In other words it is also known as "talking therapy". Counselling, is slowly yet surely moving on to play a very challenging role across the globe, especially in developing countries such as India.
Why do we need counselling?
Personal problems and work pressure and the needs in contemporary society seem to be increasing alarmingly. There are times in our lives when there seems to be no way to overcome distressing events of overwhelming feelings . At such times of intense anxiety we are liable to make hasty decisions which we might later regret, or accept advice from others with which we may not be in wholehearted agreement, and then have to live with the consequences. Counselling aims to help people clarify their own thoughts and reach their own decisions, and perhaps to make major life changes in their life. The unique issues involving the changing family structures, conflicts in values, attitude and changing role of work, new pressure and demands in the education systems and problem of society all point out the need for counselling services and guidance.
How Counselling can help
It is a process of listening , empathizing, assisting and guiding an individual to resolve or cope with life's personal, social and psychological problems or difficulties. The process is all about empathizing in a way seldom possible by one's kith and kin where there is often prejudice and emotional involvement. Counselling is different from other kinds of help in that no attempt is made to tell you what to do.It is a relationship of trust and confidentiality between the counsellor and the counsellee, wherein the role of a counsellor is not about giving advice and neither is it a way to look at the counsellee's difficulties and challenges from your perspective or your value system.
It is the process of aiding the individual to explore his inner strengths which might be clouded during stressful and emotional times. And this has to be done in a completely non-judgmental way, accepting the counsellee such as he is. It a journey of exploration, introspection and helping him identify his feelings , experiences and behaviour with a goal to facilitate a positive change.