Damon braces are passive self-ligating braces for correcting dental malocclusions. A malocclusions is a misalignment or incorrect alignment between two dental arches. "Self-ligating" means that these braces do not require elastics for tying the wire. Here are 5 points that will help you understand Damon braces.
1. Faster treatment - The absence of an elastic holding the wire ensures that there is sliding of the wire in the braces allowing better tooth movement. The self-ligating principle of these braces leads to less friction between the bracket and the wire resulting in quicker and efficient tooth movement. This reduces the overall treatment time in a case.
2. No extractions - Extractions are performed to create space for correction of malocclusion. The Damon braces allow expansion of the dental arches preventing the need for painful extractions during orthodontic treatment.
3. No elastics - Patient often complain of discoloring of elastics within a few days of their appointment. Absence of elastics in the Damon system prevents such unaesthetic appearance.
4. Clear Braces - The Damon system offers an option for both metal and aesthetic clear braces. Since there is no requirement of elastics, the usual yellow appearance of ceramic braces which occurs after a few days of appointment is not there. If aesthetics is a priority and you cannot afford clear aligners then the best option is Damon clear self ligating braces.
5. Cost - The cost of Damon braces is slightly higher than normal braces, as is the comfort and ease of treatment.