Infertility is growing as a problem all over the world. It affects about two in every ten couples and research has seen that about one in every five cases is because of the fertility issues only in the male partner. While there’s no possible infertility problem treatment, most of the times it can be improved by supplements, a healthy diet,and other lifestyle changes.

Here are some of the ways to increase sperm count and fertility among men.

1) Exercise on a regular basis

Exercising doesn't only improve the performance physically along with confidence; it might also increase the levels of testosterone. The studies have shown that most of the men who exercise regularly have higher levels of testosterone than the ones who are inactive.

2) Avoid taking stress and learn to relax

Stress scan reduce sexual satisfaction and might impair fertility. It has been believed by the researchers that the hormone cortisol might partly let you know about the effects of stress. Managing the stress is as simple as like walking in nature, exercising, meditating or spending some quality time with friends.

3) Get an adequate amount of Vitamin D

Vitamin D is considered to be another nutrient that helps to increase the levels of testosterone. One study had shown that men who intake less vitamin D had low levels of testosterone. Additionally, high levels of Vitamin D were linked to a greater quality of sperm but the evidence is still conflicted.

Bottom Line

Infertility affects most men all over the world. If you are also suffering from the same, make sure to first improve your general health. Infertility problem treatment consulted from the specialist will take away all your stress.