Raising a child is a challenging task; this view is common among all parents. There are so many worries related to them, their health certainly is on the top of the list. While illness and other health problems are regular with kids, given changing the weather and other factors, some problems persist and are troublesome.

Dr Neha Bansal agreed to receive hundreds of patients every year with the same complaint of their child being underweight in spite of efforts. In view of the same, she suggests some effective measures to be taken to combat that:

Eating at regular intervals:

No second thoughts on the fact that children are fussy eaters. But how you feed them decides the level of fuss they make, to a great extent. If you try to feed them a few times a day with a plate full of food, that won’t work. To work that out, feed them less amount of food at regular intervals.

On an average, feed them something every two hours. This will ensure that they are properly getting all the nutrition from the food.

Watch out what they eat:

Just because your child is underweight doesn’t mean you can feed them anything. Junk food is known to increase weight but it’s not healthy. You don’t want to just increase your child’s weight but make them healthy. Consult your paediatrician on what all you can feed your child and in what amount.

Physical Activity 

Unlike popular belief, your child won’t lose weight if he/she is active or is engaged in physical activity. In fact, that’s very important for his well being. The more he is active, the more tired and hungry he will be. That makes your work easy in a way as feeding him gets effortless.

If your child rejects everything or is unable to gain weight in spite of proper diet and care, he needs medical care and consultation. Delaying can further complicate the matter as your child can be anaemic or any other condition might be there.