Physical attributes are an extremely important part of our being. In the commercial world that we live today, facial features play a very crucial role in conveying messages about a person. A defined jaw line, or having teeth may appear trivial for those who are blessed with these pearls, but can be greatly damaging for those who lose them due to various reasons like ill oral health, accidents or negligence.
Now, researches reveal the emotional effect due to loss of teeth on people. Having a tooth loss can have an impact on the way you speak,chew and smile. Even when there is loss of a back tooth, it may also cause your mouth to shift on one side and your face would look older. If you lose your front tooth in an injury, can you imagine going to work or your work place the following day? Or, would you choose to stay at home and try to get an immediate solution for your condition?
Tooth loss is generally not considered as a disability, but experts were surprised to have completely different results about the emotional effect of tooth loss on vast majority of people. The study found that the people on whom the researches were being conducted were devastated because of their tooth loss. Few of them related tooth loss with loosing of arm or leg, while other people said that they would avoid leaving their home even when the work was urgent and unavoidable.
Patients at our clinic often report a feeling of incompleteness, something a miss and a void not just orally but also socially and emotionally. Losing a tooth impacts their work productivity, levels of confidence and ability to establish/
maintain relationships.
Fortunately, the lost teeth can be replaced with dental implants, bridges and dentures. The new innovations in the field of dentistry have made it possible for people to regain confidence in such situations, resume work at an immediate basis and have uplifted spirits instantly with treatments that are effective, painless and lasting.