Chewing tobacco is sometimes known as smokeless tobacco or spitting tobacco. Smokeless, snuff, or chewing tobacco contains nicotine as well as many known carcinogens (cancer-causing substances). More nicotine is absorbed by chewing tobacco than by smoking a cigarette.
A number of significant health risks are associated with the use of chewing tobacco. Chewing tobacco use is a risk factor for the development of oral cancers and precancers. Other health risks of chewing tobacco include gum disease, tooth decay, and tooth loss, and possible links to other cancers and cardiovascular disease.
Chewing smokeless tobacco products, paan masala and areca nut (supari) increases the production of saliva followed by a very strong urge to spit.
In the past spitting was a socially acceptable habit in some parts of the world, but by the 19th Century, manners changed.
This coincided with greater awareness of the transmission of contagious diseases that could be spread by spitting, so public health campaigns were launched against it.
Along with tobacco being harmful to the person who chews tobacco, it is problematic to others in the following ways.
1. Spread of Coronavirus
Currently, the whole world is struggling to contain the spread of the novel coronavirus as it has spread to 177 countries.
Spitting in public places could enhance the spread of the COVID-19 virus.
Few states like Bihar, Jharkhand, Telangana, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Maharashtra, Haryana, Nagaland, and Assam have already issued orders on the ban of the use of smokeless tobacco products and spitting in public places during the COVID-19 pandemic.
2. Spread of Diseases
If there is something that people get to hear very often when airborne diseases pose a threat, it is the advice on coughing/sneezing hygiene and frequent handwashing. There is something else that gets very little or no emphasis — avoiding spitting in public. Like a cough, spitting too can lead to the spread of infections.
During the 1940s, when tuberculosis (TB) was widespread, it was common to see “spitting prohibited” signs on buses. This precaution is important even today to prevent the spread of diseases.
Diseases like tuberculosis, flu, cold, cough, corona, SARS, Ebola, Swine Flu (H1N1), Influenza can easily spread due to public spitting by the affected person.
3. Destruction of Public Property
Spitting in public places like bus stands, staircases, trains has caused a nuisance. Many people are striving hard to keep our surroundings clean. But still, we often see red splatter due to tobacco spitting on roads, walls, ground, inside bus.
It is high time that we spread awareness about why tobacco spitting is harmful and stop this habit. Spitting in public is now a punishable offense and also ensues fine for the same.
With the no tobacco day approaching lets all pledge together to spread this message and create awareness to stop tobacco spitting.
Together we can fight and bring an ideal environment to live healthily.
Say No to Tobacco. Say No to Tobacco Spitting