Tips to Prevent Hemorrhoids (Piles)
5 February, 2017
- A varicose condition of the hemorrhoidal veins causing painful swellings at the anus.
- It can be inflamed and even clot can be formed.
- Hemorrhoid that are above the boundary between rectum and anorectal junction are called internal hemorrhoids.
- Those found below the anorectal junction are called external hemorrhoids.
- Both may stay inside or protrude.
- Commonly seen after pregnancy and in constipation.
- If there is pressure in portal vein, then hemorrhoids may occur.
- Bleeding after bowel evacuation is common, Sometimes, patient has to push back the hemorrhoid in to the anus.
- if cleaning is improper, there may be itching in the anal region.
- Sitz bath is useful.
- Clot disappears in 4 to 6 weeks
- Kutajadi Kwatha 40 ml BD (Bleeding Piles)
- Setubandhana Gutika 1BD (Bleeding Piles)
- Panchasakara Churna 3-5gm BD with warm water.
- Abhayaristam 20ml BD with equal amount of water after meal.
- Drinking at least 2 liters of water a day is desirable.
- Prefer to eat fibrous foods.
Don't :
- Smoking and drinking alcohol.
- Chewing tobacco.
- Non-veg.
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