It’s that time of the year again when the heat gets the better of you. With changes in the environment over the years we have been facing harsh seasons be it the monsoons, winter and the most dreaded summer. It's very important for us to keep ourselves free of common fungal and bacterial infections during the summer heat as the microbes get the best environment in this season to thrive and flourish causing us discomfort and pain.
Fungal Infections
During the hot and humid days of summer, we tend to sweat more than normal. This increases the moisture in body’s folds like between toes, underarms, groin area (near genitals) and back. Thus these areas become more susceptible to fungal infections. Fungal Infections appear as red patches accompanied with severe itching. These can be treated easily by using antifungal creams and tablets prescribed by your dermatologist. However, if ignored it can lead to increase in severity and cause immense discomfort. Some common fungal infections are Tinea Corporis and Cruris (Ringworm) and Pityriasis Versicolour.
Bacterial Infections
Similar to fungal infections, the hot weather and sweat provides the perfect conditions for bacteria to grow, proliferate and cause infections. Moreover, scratching our skin can become a way for these organisms to enter and infect even further. The skin usually appears red, few boils may be noticed accompanied with some oozing in case of a bacterial infections. There may be pain or irritation associated with it. Usually treatable by use of antibiotic creams and ointments along with medications prescribed by your dermatologist.
However, there are ways in which one can completely avoid getting infected by following simple routines in our everyday life.
1. Wear breathable fabrics like cotton. Wearing tight clothes for prolonged period of time can lead to excessive sweating resulting in infections.
2. Try and have a shower twice in the day.
3. Keep yourself hydrated to as to maintain the moisture levels in the skin.
4. Try and spend time in a well ventilated environment.
5. If you experience any itching or notice any boils on your skin, try not to self-medicate and consult a dermatologist as soon as possible.