You stay away from the most obvious signs of sugar in your food. Avoid desserts, don't take sugar in your tea/coffee. But sometimes you ignore the not so obvious forms of sugar that might be harming you. To start the damage control right away here are a few ways how sugar is finding way to your system.
Cola drinks (Regular and diet): The cola drinks are soda and added sweeteners and artificial colors present in it. The soda present in it increases the level of co2 in the body which results in the reduction of anti-oxidants in the body. It contains a high amount of sugar in it which is not good for the health.
Energy Drinks: It makes up for the energy lost especially for athletes who burn calories at a faster rate and want to recover for lost energy. But if you read the nutrition label it contain nearly 7 teaspoon of sugar present in it which it more than double the daily requirement, adding health problems as overtime. It also contains a high amount of sodium which is not healthy at all. Have fresh fruit juice for energy and nutrition too.
Iced tea: You probably know different flavors of iced tea but do can you tell how many tea spoons are you consuming in a cup. About 5 teaspoon of sugar you consume in a single serving of iced tea. All this extra sugar will keep getting stored and will eventually show on your body as fat or health problems. The lemon drinks for keeping health stroke away can't keep the extra sugar in it. Most of the packaged juices contain high amount of sweeteners not advisable for our body. Instead have green tea in chilled water. Try it, its really refreshing.
Fresh Lime Soda: Sweetened lemon drinks whether with soda or without soda contains high amount of sugar which doesn't remain as a healthy option. The fruit squashes and syrups contain concentrated form with sugar and other preservatives. Sweetened drink syrups are equally unhealthy when we compare the sugar present in it to the required amount. Avoid the sugar in your lime water and double up your health benefits.
The above options might give you a reason to think again and put the stop on sugar consumption to a infinite level which is happening everyday. It is alright to consume these drinks in moderation but regular consumption of drinks with high amount of sugar will have repercussions on your health in long term like weight gain, anxiety and depression.