There are multiple variables which we consider while deciding when to transfer your embryos back to your uterus:

  • Number of Follicles developed during superovulation
  • Number of eggs retrieved after Vaginal Egg Collection
  • Total number of Mature Eggs (MII) injected
  • Number of Eggs fertilized (i.e. Eggs with 2 pronuclei in them)
  • Day 2 transfer can be considered for all patients.
  • Need to have at least 6 embryos on Day 1 to consider transferring embryos on Day 3
  • High number of Supernumerary Embryos can be frozen after transferring the best embryos into your uterus.
  • Only 40 % of Embryos make it to Day 5. This means patients with few eggs and those with a low fertilization rate cannot be considered for Day 5 Embryo Transfer.
  • The low Freezing rate for supernumerary embryos as all Embryos don’t turn out to be top quality on Day 5.