Don’t let your teeth die out on you while you are alive. Go ahead in life with a bright smile and healthy teeth!

Root for it!

You have been sleepless the whole night with that horrible toothache. You visit one of the best dentists in Mumbai and she throws a bombshell on your head! It’s not just a cavity that requires a filling but it’s a root canal!

Shivers up your spine?

Relax, it’s not as bad as it seems. A root canal is a simple and painless procedure - at the centre of every tooth are soft thread-like tissues, which contain blood vessels and other connective tissue. The pulp is lodged at the centre of the tooth. It is through the blood vessels that the pulp receives nutrition. If left untreated, pus collects forming an abscess, which would then affect the adjoining teeth causing pain and destroying the bone surrounding the tooth. Root canal treatment will repair and save the tooth from further decay.

Root Canal Procedure

Root canal is the process removing the damaged and infected nerve/ pulp located inside the tooth. The treatment is performed under a local anesthetic ensuring that the procedure is painless. The remaining stub of the tooth is then covered with a cap. The cap is customized for optimum compatibility with the rest of the teeth.

Causes of Pulp Damage

The pulp could get damaged in many ways. Some of the reasons are:

  • Irritation, inflammation and infection of the tooth’s nerve and pulp
  • A deep cavity with bacterial invasion
  • Eating something really hard like popcorn seeds, ice, or breaking nuts with your teeth can cause trauma to your teeth resulting in a cracked or chipped tooth
  • Any form of trauma like a blow on the face, or a fall can damage the pulp or the nerve of the tooth forever


The symptoms of a deep infection stem from trauma caused to the tooth. If you have the following symptoms, it sure is time to pay a visit to your dentist:

  • Tooth sensitivity to hot or cold drinks or food
  • Swelling of the gum
  • Tooth discoloration
  • Tooth ache
    • Acute Pain
    • Chronic Pain
  • Discomfort or pain on chewing from a particular side of the mouth
  • Combination of the above mentioned symptoms

Precautions & Post Care

Do follow these steps after a root canal. Some of these pointers can be incorporated to prevent cavities as well:

  • Avoid eating hard crunchy food
  • Brush your teeth twice a day
  • Floss after every meal
  • Avoid eating on the side where the root canal has been done – chew on the opposite side of the mouth
  • Rinse your mouth with salt and water for two days
  • Avoid drinking alcohol and smoking
  • Follow any other instructions and medicines your doctor might prescribe

It is very important to visit your dentist on a regular basis. Early treatment of cavities helps in avoiding further tooth destruction. After all, prevention is better than cure. So avoid trying to crack the hard nuts with your teeth – the hammer will suffice!