A Dental Implant is a procedure that replaces damaged or missing teeth with artificial teeth that look and perform very similar to real ones. A dental implant is an alternative solution to dentures or crown & bridge for replacing the missing tooth.

Why opt for Dental Implants?

1. Dental implants will be the best option if you're searching for a fixed replacement

2. Have one or more missing teeth

3. Are unable or unwilling to wear a denture

4. Don't want to go for Dental bridge

5. If you want to improve your speech 

6. Don't want to grind the natural tooth      

Postoperative Maintenance & Care

1. Maintain your oral hygiene with proper 2 times regular brushing.

2. Visit your dentist regularly. Schedule dental checkups to ensure the health and correct functioning of your implants

3. Follow the recommendation for professional cleanings.

4. Avoid Hard bites, which may break your crown or your natural teeth

5. Avoid tooth-staining  products like tobacco, etc